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Professional Projects

[Python, PyTorch, Numpy, Pandas, GeoPandas, Scikit-learn, XGBoost, FBProphet, NLTK, SpaCy, Gensim, NetworkX]


  • Machine Learning Engineering (NLP / Computer vision):

    • Built an image annotation pipeline with CLIP model as backbone and Faster/Mask R-CNN as object detector/segmentator;

    • Created a duplicate image detection dash app with imagehash and TSNE;

    • Developed NLP-based models and  pipeline to match and group similar products offered by different merchants;

    • Wrote bespoke Named-Entity Recognition library to identify product features;


  • Time-series forecasting using a wide range of ML techniques including Lasso regression, SVM, random forests and Gradient Boosting methods with feature engineering.


Personal Projects

[PyTorch, Tensorflow, Transformers, OpenCV, Pillow, Scikit-image, Albumentations]


Conditional Text Generation given title and keywords by fine tuning GPT-2: Medium Article, Colab notebook.


Twitter sentiment analysis on US Election 2020:


Prove of concept and feasibility for a prospective client:


Data Visualization

[Matplotlib, Seaborn, Dash, Plotly,, Yellowbrick]




[Matlab, Julia, Java]


  • Developed a java-based proprietary algo-trading system to trade on Interactive Broker, with bespoke models developed and back-tested in Python and Julia.

  • High-frequency algo trading in spot FX on EBS and Reuters with an average daily volume of EUR 6 billion. Proprietary models developed in Matlab.





Competition contributor:




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